Junior in High School… + Pandemic: 5 Ways I’ve Found Some Piece of Mind

3 min readDec 21, 2020
Photo by Bethany Laird on Unsplash

I never thought my junior year would turn out like this. Like seriously — I never imagined a global pandemic completely and utterly derailing my high school football games, events, SATs, and classes. I can’t even be in the building of my school with my friends. God forbid our last names fall in the same section of the alphabet.

This year has been hell for all of us — especially students. In almost a year, my life has been turned upside and back around. This being my junior year of high school, I am starting to think about the future. What do I want to be? What college do I want to go to? Can I even stand living at home for another year and a half?

Throughout this interesting year, I have found some piece of mind. I have learned more about myself than ever before. Here are some tips for others like me:

  1. No more expectations! — we live in a new world. No more expecting that things are just going to happen for us. We can’t expect our prom or our football season or anything really. This is the time we have to appreciate what we do experience. My new motto is: expect nothing and appreciate everything
  2. Take care of your mental health — Do what is best for you and your mental health before anything. We have experienced how lonely people have become during these hard times. Mental health is incredibly important in maintaining a balanced life. Lay in your bed, take a break from the computer and go eat some ice cream, go out with friends. Do whatever makes you happy. Trust me, it’s good for you.
  3. It is okay not to be okay — If things are going wrong, it is OKAY. Life is full of ups and downs (key part being downs). For some of us, 2020 has been a major dip in the road. Let yourself not be okay. Take many breaks, cry it out. Things will get better I promise.
  4. Use this time to do something for yourself — During quarantine, I decided to use the downtime to focus on my relationship and get in shape again. Now, my new goal is to study and get a better score on my SAT. Personally, I think now is the time to work on yourself. Get better at something you always wanted to get better at. You are never going to have the downtime you have right now. Whether it’s studying or working out or anything else, set a goal and go after it. You got this!
  5. Learn to love the person you are today — Over this past year, I’ve really come into my own. I never smiled more, laughed more, cried more. I learned how to live for myself and what I truly want in life. If you love yourself, you learn to love your life

Remember, this year is almost over. Enjoy the last few days of 2020! And be excited for what 2021 holds. It can’t be worse, right?

